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Plantas Hortas e Jardinagens
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I have grafted 4 different color Adenium flower plants, this helps the plant show off its beautiful
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4 days atrás
55 days of planting cuve beans finally have fruit to harvest
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7 days atrás
I went to the garden and picked up a bunch of bananas to use as banana fertilizer for the Christmas
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3 weeks atrás
The rose tree was grafted with 10 branches with 10 different materials to produce the following resu
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4 weeks atrás
Christmas cactus grafting idea onto brush cactus
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1 month atrás
Moving new home for 2 potted plants in the garden
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1 month atrás
Vegetable gardening day in the rain
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1 month atrás
Planting mini Adenium flower branches after 90 days has produced the first flowers
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2 months atrás
Make a cage for orchids with plastic bottles, gardening with cats Mi
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2 months atrás
Changing soil for 7 Adenium flower pots at the same time, discovered giant bulbs
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2 months atrás
Morning visit to the garden to harvest 3 types of tomatoes
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2 months atrás
I took cuttings 4 months ago but I forgot about them, don't know how they will turn out
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2 months atrás
One morning went out to visit the garden and harvested many things
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3 months atrás
Como Trocar o Solo para Adenium obesum Roem no Vaso de Bonsai: Guia Prático
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3 months atrás
Um Jardim Colorido e Encantador - Flores de todas as cores florescem às 10h
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3 months atrás
Use bamboo to make a trellis for growing melons, growing eggplants and harvesting purple eggplants
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4 months atrás
Your kitchen will never lack chili if you do it this way
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4 months atrás
Let's see how the queen of the night flowers bloom
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4 months atrás
Turn plastic bottles into green spinach garden
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4 months atrás
Don't give up on your roses when they're in trouble I'll help them revive
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4 months atrás
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