Lanas de colores : rojo concho de vino, rojo carmín,rosa, melón, marillo claro, amarillo maíz, blanco, turquesa, verde hoja.
Crochet o Ganchillo de 3.5 milímetros
Perlas número 8 para las cabezas de las mariposas
Aguja de lana
Aguja e hilo
This is a super video three in one, first I teach them to make beautiful roses of 19 petals Knit from a single strip, then I teach them how to weave the leaves and finally how to weave some super beautiful butterflies in 3D, all fabric to Crochet or Crochet step Step ; Ideal to decorate with them all type of garment, how to exclusive accessories of fashion for the hair, pins or pin for sacks, jackets, scarf, shawls and more clothes mucks; I hope you like this new video tutorial, do not forget to share it with friends and friends.