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Ideia de sacola de presente. Reutilização de pano velho.

Healing Garden: Sharing a Beautiful Day#garden #studio1 day atrás
💎Creative Ways to Use Fabric Scraps: Design Your Own Beautiful Patterns3 days atrás
The first thing to do every morning is to water the garden #HealingGarden3 days atrás
💎Warm Little Gifts: Love Can Be SimpleExpress Your Love Through Sewing3 days atrás
Healing Handmade Creations – Good Morning! #diy4 days atrás
💎Patchwork Tote Bag: A Creative and Beautiful Way to Upcycle Fabric Scraps5 days atrás
💎A Heartwarming Gift: Cute, Practical, and Unforgettable5 days atrás
DIY Eco-Friendly Solar Night Light #diy6 days atrás